Saturday, September 13, 2008

How To Be A Millionaire?

So many of us dream to be a millionaire...but how many make that decision to be a millionaire someday? Not many. So, so long as you only wish you could be that millionaire, you will never be a millionaire. That you must believe me. What you need to do be a millionaire is to make that decision to one - I am a millionaire one day, say 5 years from today or at least 30 years from now!

Once you have made that decision to be a millionaire, you need to wake up and trust your self that you can attain the position of becoming a millionaire in a specific time frame. Yes, you need to have a specific time frame to achieve your desire to be a millionaire. Than you need to have a mechanism - to help you work your way to that goal of becoming a millionaire. I believe most of us are just common people without any strong or powerful asset or leadership foundation to depend on. I suggest you look at the following options:

1. Immediate Wealth Creation - you can achieve this through Takafulink. Takafulink is a financial instruments that assure you that in the event you are gone from this world...your wife and kids will have that "millionaire Cash Inheritance" that you promised. Your key is at 0196972465!

2. Wealth Protection - is another method where you may let Takafulink protect the million ringgit that you have made - so that you and family may continue living as millionaire should you are totally and permanently disabled. Your key is at 0196972465!

3. Medical Expenses. Let say suddenly you are diagnosed and contracted - any of the 36 Critical Illnesses such as Cancer, Stroke, etc...should need to... you may seek treatment like a millionaire and let Takafulink take care of your medical expenses. Your key is at 0196972465

4. Retirement Fund. To be sure you will retire a millionaire...start today save in Unit Trust / Saham Amanah/ Mutual Fund. Doesn't matter whether you retire at 50s, 60, 70s or 80s.

That's the time you really need to be a millionaire. You most likely be single again. Your kids have grown up and have their own life and your spouse gone to heaven and you left alone. Some might need walking stick or others to care for them. What if you are not prepared for retirement or your EPF/KWSP and what ever saving is gone or to small to give you a comfortable living and inflation riding high?

Believe me, very likely - no one is likely to employ you; and you might not be strong enough to work or just out of touch with reality to be useful to others. So, why not start saving in unit trust/saham amanah/mutual fund today. It doesn't hurt you now... as much as it will hurt you 20...30 years from today.

Take my advise, start your unit trust/ saham amanah / mutual fund today. You may start from as low as $100 Ringgit monthly and be that millionaire you always wanted to be in your 50s, 60s, 70s, or 80s. Yes unit trust/saham amanah/ mutual fund is the way to be a millionaire. Your key is at 0196972465

5. Education Fund. Education is costly today and will be costlier in the future. In the future, only millionaires are able to send their kids to colleges, universities - be local or in the foreign land. Children’s are your fruits of love. With love they most likely will care for you as their parents. Only education can assure them and you that they can take care of you should there need be. So, again you may do this in a un hurting way by putting a side a small manageable some $200 Ringgit in unit trust/ saham amanah/ mutual fund for your kid and your better future. Your key is at 0196972465

Of course, finally it is your decision whether your want seriously to be a millionaire or just you wish you will be a millionaire!

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